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Housing / Property


Drones in the Housing Sector

Within the housing sector, Vantage UAV has the ability to provide a variety of services aiding the inspection and safety of buildings, assisting responsive repairs and supporting development and regeneration projects. Carrying out drone-based inspections provides greater insight into the condition of assets at a vastly reduced cost in comparison to traditional access methods.

Resident inclusion is central to Vantage UAV’s way of working. Drone services actively demonstrate innovative and advanced property management and can provide easy-to-use visual data which can be shared with all relevant stakeholders. Vantage UAV is proud to be the exclusive Preferred Supplier of Drone Services to the National Housing Federation, and has vast experience in aiding housing organisations in meeting their goals.

drone being assembled
drone in flight

Aiding Development & Regeneration Projects

Drones can provide a broad, aerial scope of a land plot, taking HD images and footage, whilst recording millimetre-accurate measurements to aid architects and developers. Equipped with LiDAR sensors, drones can conduct precise inspections and topographical surveys on any land marked as a potential development site, to ascertain terrain and ground conditions and assess project challenges.

Get In Touch.

Do you need help in unlocking the cost-saving power of drones for your business?

Or call:
0203 871 8226